Progress on the Fog of Existence Hybrid Sweater
Originally uploaded by denverfiddler
I'm knitting another hybrid sweater, this one for Steven. I named it the Fog of Existence. That sounds like a sweater Ingmar Bergman might've worn.
knit, bike, garden, compile
I'm knitting another hybrid sweater, this one for Steven. I named it the Fog of Existence. That sounds like a sweater Ingmar Bergman might've worn.
We had craft night at our house tonight. Bonnie and her friend Sonya made A-Line Skirts. Lindsay worked on a billfold. Steven worked on making a dress shirt pattern and I made an oven mitt.
The oven mitt pattern is from the book Simple Sewing by Lotta Jansdotterfrom the book Simple Sewing by Lotta Jansdotter
I made a grocery bag holder with some awesome fabric I got at Fancy Tiger. Owlz! This project goes out to my Aunt Kay and my friend Kyle, both of whom have an owl patronus.
My friend Zach from Fancy Tiger, gave me two catnip hearts, unfortunately we have three cats so I had to make a few more. They are simple: cut out two hearts from a sheet of wool felt or quilting fabric, sew them together except for a small hole, stuff them with catnip (I used a funnel), sew the hole closed. If you have a pinking shears, cut along the border for a fancy look! Bossy demands the Fancy.
Here's a couple of pictures of Bossy's reaction. (the other two cats had similar reactions.
I finished my sweater. Its a "hybrid sweater" by Elizabeth Zimmerman. All of it was knit on circular needles. First I knit the two sleeves and the body separately, then I joined them on one large 32" circular needle. With the three pieces joined I knit the yoke. With the hybrid sweater, you start by decreasing on the first and last stitches on the front and back of the body like a raglan sweater and then once you get to the shoulders you create a saddle, like EZ's saddle shoulder sweater. (So its a hybrid between her raglan and saddle shoulder designs.) Its a very fun design--I will definitely make another one, (probably right now!) but her directions are a bit sparse at times.
I've been wearing the sweater pretty constant since I finished blocking it. Its a bit baggier than I was planning, but I like it.